Monday, 8 August 2011

Attack of the robot baker

Basically if they give this thing boobs I am out of a job.

That's right, some genius has invented a baking robot that uses lasers to mix and cut cookies. It's a project from a team at MIT, who surely should be building some sort of ozone layer fixing bot, or an android that can go to weddings for you.

If you're not freaked out enough, there's video evidence below. At least they gave him a jaunty hat.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Totally nailed

If you like burgers and/or brightly coloured fingertips then meet Burgers and Nails

First up, it's pure food porn, burgers from all over the world, snapped indecently close up and oozing cheese. Secondly, each one is held by disembodied but somehow still kind of sexy hands with cute paint jobs. Some are girls, some are boys, half the time you can't tell the difference without checking the caption.

Arty, trashy *and* a tiny bit metrosexual, what's not to love?

The burger of doom

As well as vampires, the size of my own breasts and Apple products, I'm also pretty obsessive about burgers. Sure, I'm as happy as the next diabetes candidate to sink my teeth into a quarter pounder with cheese, but my heart really lies with a posh patty.

The best I've ever had? A "Third Burger" from Hawksmoor that featured their special beef and bone marrow mix and some juicy pulled pork. This was my attempt to recreate that magic. A burger from the Heston range at Waitrose (damn fine), some Swiss cheese, a little shallot, a little tomato, some pulled pork... and a home made bun.

That's right, my own friggin' bun. Hand baked from a recipe over at Smitten Kitchen. Part bread, part brioche, it makes the house smell about 2000 times posher than it actually is and forms a solid base for even the juiciest of burgers. I've always thought people got a bit too precious about the joy of baking your own bread, but it really is crazy satisfying.